Sep 18, 2019 | Exercises, Preparedness
Like many strategic planning processes; risk management often gets shuffled to the side. The daily urgent matters take precedent over preparing for the low probability, high-risk icebergs or “Black Swan”[1] events. Economic impact on organizations that are not...
May 18, 2017 | Crisis Management, Emergency Management, Security
The United States and Canada have a long history of working together to ensure that, should there be a major incident, frameworks exist to enable joint response, across the international boundary. In 2016, total bilateral trade in goods and services exceeded $635...
Sep 27, 2016 | Crisis Management, Emergency Management
As the fall out is being assessed from this year’s major wildland fires on the U.S. west coast and in the Canadian context, the most costly disaster in Canadian history “the Fort McMurray Fire” risk assessors and public policy analysts are re-considering our planning...